Clan Wars

Improvements during the Preparation Day of Clan Wars

First of all check your base layout!

It’s important that you use a good and solid War Base layout for Clan Wars. To defend is the highest achievement, but in reality loosing as less stars as possible is the way to go.  Important segments of a good defense are:

– TH position

– CC position

– Defenses

– General Layout

If there are any doubts a discussion on chat and getting input from other higher players is essential. A bunch of base layouts for several TH levels can be found in the base section soon.

Max your Clan Castle potential! Your Clan Castle is your most powerful building so always have it in the center and filled with the best troops for defending.  I recommend you to use either Witches, Wizards or Dragons and fill it up with Archers. Don’t hesitate releasing troops.  You have to edit the standard “I need reinforcement troops” text.

During CW only the maxed troops will be donated , so if you don´t have maxed troops just let it go.

Organize before Battle Day! Here is where we got most of our improvement potential. You have to have a Feeder Clan where inactive or lower level clan mates are staying so everyone in the Clan War clan is active.

In ordersomeone is not available for war please trophy down and let Leader and C0 leaders know. In case of longer absence please join the farming clan to not harm the matchup in the war clan.

  1. Weaker players should attack during the first 12 hours and the stronger players in the send part of the Battle Day. The weak players should have the opportunity to get the enemy weaker players attacked to max their potential
  2. Bottom to Top: Never start fighting the best 3 to 10 opponent bases (depending on how big the Clan War is regarding 15 vs 15 players or 50 vs 50 players). For regular Clan Wars it is enough if 80% of the bases got destroyed to win and every star is equal – no place for playing the Hero here.
  3. DEMORALIZE!  The first attack should aim to get 3 stars. In this case your enemy will loose faith in winning and maybe some players will not even attack with their expensive army because they think they don’t have a chance of winning anyways. Image you log in and see the Battle Day and your clan has 10% of the possible stars while the opponent clan already got 50%. You think that this is not working but I promise you it will!

 Clan Wars Battle Day tweaking

Always attack with a full army and have all Spells and your Heroes with you. Nothing is more frustrating if you only get 90% because you told yourself you will not need the 2 Healing or Rage Spells.

Scout and Replay! If you see that an enemy War Base got only destroyed for 1 star from one of your clan mates check out the replay. You will see simply anything from Traps to Clan Castle Troops. Think about taking this base instead of a “fresh” and unknown base if you are not sure. Remember that a fresh base will have surprises for you and the other base has exposed lots of things that will help you to destroy it.


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