The Rules

➽ We are overall a very laid back clan, we allow swearing but to a reasonable extent. Players who swear like it’s a second language to them will be asked to stop and or will be kicked if the case is serious enough.

  • We do not have a specific age requirement for the clan, but we will ask you to try act mature so that all players can enjoy their time and reduce any chat spammers. People who simply act like a 10 year old will be eventually kicked if the Leader/Co-Leaders get enough complaints.
  • Please take into very close consideration that we are a Drama-Free clan. If you’ve had a bad day, don’t take it out on people in the game. If you begin to stir up a bad vibe in the clan and it concerns people, then you will be asked to stop and or if the Drama is too strong within this one, then they’ll most likely be kicked.

➽ Players who are logged out for more than 3 days without dismissed notice to a Co-Leader or Leader will be kicked and assigned as an inactive to the clan.

  • We are fully aware that some people cannot play as often as others, and some people have tough times and need a break from Clash of Clans. If this is so, then please make sure you let a Co-Leader or the Leader know that you will be absent for X amount of days, and you will most likely be asked to drop to the bottom of the list in trophies to not participate in Clan Wars. Unless the absence is for a short period of time, you will be allowed to keep your position.
  • Players who consistently leave and join the clan even with the permission of an Elder(+), will eventually be declined as we don’t allow constant hopping back and forth.

➽ We are a clan who are very strict and competitive with Clan Wars. If you are a player who feels as if they are not up for the challenge of competitive Clan Wars, then this clan is not for you.

  • If you are a player who is not confident enough to try go for 2-3 stars on a base in Clan Wars then we will most likely ask you to kindly leave. We are looking for strong attackers, who know how the game works with its AI and are skilled.
  • People who do not use BOTH attacks during Clan Wars will be constantly notified and annoyed until they finish them. So the sooner you do it the better it is for you!
  • We are a completely legit clan, if we find out that you are using Airplane Mode, Mods, or any sort of cheating will result in a kick.

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